* Thank you for the warm Christmas Greeting. It's very grateful to find your caring and sharing this Christmas Eve. Wishing you peace, hope & joy, too.
* Glad to have your warm XMas greeting. Hope the Light of XMas, the Joy of XMas, the Hope of XMas, be ours, as in the beginning, now and & ever shall be.
Dunia semakin diliputi ketidakpastian yang mengancam kehidupan. Namun “Kelahiran” selalu membawa pengharapan. SELAMAT NATAL & TAHUN BARU 2008. Thalo,Nawa-Magda-Elmo. (Nawa)
I set up this Xmas Tree just 4 you. It brings hope, joy, love, & peace 4 this Xmas. (Harry DPI)
Count our nights by stars, not shadows. Count our days by smiles, not tears. Count our age by friends, not years. MERRY XMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR. Best regard. Ira & Ian. (Elvira)
Merry Christmas. May God always Bless us with peace and joy in the world. Wish you a Happy Christmas. Share your happiness and enjoy the celebration. (Adinda)
Met natal pren. Moga cepet dpt jodoh. Gak nyambung bgt hehe. Wish u a merry x’mas n happy family with soulmate. (Alex Surya, Medan)
A holy night, from dark to bright, star dancing. From the deepest of my heart, I wish you a wonderful moment. Happy Christmas. (Agus Bernardi)
Wish you a Holy Merry X’Mas & a Happy Wonderful New Year 2008. (Jojo Batam)
Terima kasih semuanya. Selamat Natal. Semoga Tuhan menyertai kita semua di setiap saat. (Pardi, Majenang)
Selamat Natal 2007. Semoga damai dan kasih Natal bersemi di hati dan di bumi ini. Salam, Nanang Pujalaksana dan kelg. (Xananang)
Rejoice! For the King of Peace invites us to share his eternal joy. His blessing to you this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
Selamat Natal 2007! Biarlah cinta kasih Tuhan, sukacita dan damai Natal terus melingkupi hati kita, sekarang & selamanya. GBU. Fr: Andi Wiguno-Prudential. (Andi Wiguno Prulink)
Before it’s too late, we’d like to say Merry Christmas to u & ur family. Let this Christmas remind us how Christ loves us for coming to this world & born in our whole life. God bless u. (Martin Dino)
Selamat hari natal yah. (Teuku Aric, Bdg)
Saya antar paket. Sarapan pagi sepiring damai. Segelas sukacita. Semangkuk kasih setia. Fresh from Heaven. Semua sudah cash oleh kedatangan Jesus. Merry X.Mas. ( +6281316570078)
Merry Christmas for you and family. May the Spirits of Christ be with us along the years. (Cun Leng)
Antonius wirokusumo atmojo “The blessing of d Lord b upon u..” (Psalm 129:8). May u rejoice in d blessings of His love this Christmas & always. GBU. (Steven)
Merry X’Mas. God Bless you with Christmas spirit. (Marthin & Ika)
Selamat Natal 2007 dan tahun baru 2008. Wir wunschen ihnen frohe Weihnachten un neues Jahre. –Eric Santosa-Harini Tunjungsari-Reza-Aksara. (Eric Psi)
The sun rise will bring you a happy, bright & warm CHRISTMAS. We wish you & your family. Merry X-MAS & Prosperous Year 2008. (Surya JKT)
Merry X-mas, may joy of christmas always in our heart ya. Nicki n Dianali (Diana Psi)
Selamat Natal. Bayi Yesus mengajari kita kesederhanaan. Mari kita rajut bersama agar semua yang baik saja yang akan terjadi di tahun depan. Yustina n fam. (Bu Yustin, PKPM)
A basketful of prayers, cares, and happy forever for you and your family. Wish you merry Xmas. GBU. (Siby Aswin)
Selamat Natal. Semoga damai dan cinta Nya senantiasa hadir dalam kehidupan. Happy Holidays. From Dyah/PT Deka. (Mb. Dyah, DEKA)
Selamat merayakan Natal ya.. (Hanta)
Silent night, holy night, be silent, and think of me this Christmas Night :P (Xoxo, Alvyn, Magz)
B. Franklin once said: “A good conscience is a continual Christmas.” Let the joy, love, and felicitations of Christmas enlighten us all. Albert-Elna. (Albert Psi)
Merry Xmas! May the spirit of Christmas bring peace, joy, and happiness to u and ur family. (+628161650097)
Ho..ho..hoo.. Hope this Xmas brings hope, joy, love, and peace for all of us. Merry Xmas 7 happy New Year. GBU. Priyo n fam. (Priyo WB)
Selamat Hari Natal.. Nenny and Fam. (Mb. Nenny)
Wishing you Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year. May God always blessed us and our beloved ones… (Febri, Insight)
Selamat Natal. Sukses selalu untuk Anda. Salam EdyKuscahyanto. (Mas EdyKus)
Selamat merayakan lahirnya Yesus Kristus. Mudah2an damai dan Kasih Tuhan selalu bersama kita semua. Tata Mustasya dan kel. (Tata)
… & merry christmas for u and family.. (Benni)
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